Amazing collaboration to open Classical:NEXT on 13th May with Stegreif Orchestra, Zafraan Ensemble and four members of Komische Oper!

Our ISPA presentation, ‘A soft wind stirs’ January 2024.

With a gently pulsing groove based on Mauritian trance rhythms, and the 'magic tones’ of the Tagore poem sung by mesmeric Mauritian singer Rouhangeze, this is a journey across the Indian ocean, out from a ‘backbone’ score, through layers of improvisation, to the unknown, beyond the horizon.

Showing the world can connect, renew, and co-create a better future.

The Third Orchestra - an introduction

The orchestra launched in 2019 with a week’s residency in The Pit at the Barbican Centre, London, leading to three sold-out performances. 

The vision is of an orchestra originating in multi-cultural London, and Berlin, reaching out to the world, an orchestra without boundaries. 

Musicians from North, South, East and West are welcome and it is inclusive, with a gender balance, and it is 50% BAME and aged from 17-70. 

The orchestra is not about ‘fusion’. Rather welcoming each musician’s individual story, the lineage and experiences they bring from traditions or from their explorations of newness. Looking for a music that allows them to retain and celebrate whatever identities they choose to bring. The orchestra is made of distinguished creator/perfomers all working on the co-creation of the music.

We learn from one another, and from the communities and musicians we meet, which are always expanding.Here is a short trailer.

The orchestra's Credo!